Instruction for the authors


            The following materials shall be submitted at the editor’s office of ICCST by e-mail electronically in MS-Word format to or submitted by the electronic system - "Submit Article" in pdf format after registration.

            Papers shall be registered with date of arrival and date of acceptance for publication. If papers sent for corrections are not returned in the editorial office within 4 weeks, these shall be registered with a new date of arrival.

            Papers shall be reviewed by a member of the editorial board or by a Bulgarian or foreign scientist nominated by the Editor-in-Chief. Rejected papers shall not be sent back, but the first author shall be notified in writing not later than 2 weeks after the decisions had been made.


            In order to effect high quality of the Journal Information, communication, control systems and technologies the authors are requested to follow instructions given in this template.


Page Layout

Times New Roman 10 points font should be used for normal text. Please, equalise the length of the columns on the last page. Paragraphs should be indented 3.5 mm. Manuscript have to be prepared in a two column separated by 6 mm. The margins for A4 (210×297 mm) are: Top margin 20 mm, Bottom margin 20 mm, Left margin 20 mm, Right margin 20 mm, Column Spacing 6 mm.

Title, Author and Affiliation
Before title must have five blank lines with 16 pt. Title must be written using 16 pt font, in two lines, centered. The spacing between title and authors line is one blank line. Authors’ names (without affiliation) should be typed using 11 pt font. Authors’ affiliation (institution, address and e-mail) should be typed using 10 pt italic font. The spacing between authors’ names and authors’ affiliation is 6 mm. Please do not write telephone and fax number.

Abstract and Keywords
In the beginning of the paper abstract and keywords should be given. Abstract should be about 50 words. It is recommended to use up to 5 keywords. Please use 9 point font for abstract and keywords, and 9 point bold font for the words “Abstract” and “Key words”. The distance between Authors’ affiliation and abstract is two blank lines with 10 pt.

Regular paper may be divided in a number of sections. Section titles (including references and acknowledgment) should be typed using 11 pt bold fonts. The space before section title is 12 mm and after is 6 mm.

Figures should be one column wide. If it is impossible to place figure in one column, two column wide figures is allowed, but in this case figure must be located at the top of the page. Please do not use photocopies. Each figure must have a caption under the figure. For the figure captions 10 pt font should be used.

Tables also should be made as one column. In some rare cases it is allowed to use two column tables at the top of the page. Tables must have caption located above the table. Table caption should be written using 10 pt font. Example is Table 1 given below.

When you refer to an equation, a figure, a table, a section or a literature reference in the text of the manuscript please use the following expressions: Eq. (1), Eqs. (1) and (2), Fig. 1, Figs. 1 and 2, Table 1, Tables 1 and 2, Section 1, Sections 1.1 and 1.5, [1], [2].

Number citations consecutively in square brackets [1]. The examples for the referencing a journal paper, a conference paper, and a book according to IEEE transactions are given in References Sections [1-3]. For text in the references 9 pt font should be used.

In this paper the instructions for preparing camera ready paper for including in the Journal Information, communication, control systems and technologies are given.

For the acknowledgment use the unnumbered section layout.

1.    Dwivedy, S., Eberhard, P. Dynamic analysis of flexible manipulators, a literature review. Mechanism and Machine Theory, vol. 41, no. 5, 2006, pp. 749-777.
2.    Iliev, T., Hristov, G., Evaluation of video quality after network transport", Proceedings of the IEEE Conference TELSIKS’2007, Nis, Serbia, 2007, pp. 469 – 472.
3.    Balas, G., Chiang, R., Packard, A., Safonov, M. Robust Control Toolbox: User’s Guide. Natick, MA: MathWorks, 2006.